Forms and Scholarships
Annual Membership Renewal
Annual membership renewal form to be filled before March 1st of each year.
Continuing Education Points Form for active members
For all non NBHEA Continuing Education activities, a copy of the program or a summary must be provided that will document the activity in some detail. No points will be given if documentation is not included. In order to receive a form, please fill out and send your Renewal membership form each year. A Continuing Education Points Form will be sent with your Renewal receipt.
NBHEA Scholarship
NBHEA student members who have completed two years of a Home Economics / Family Studies degree program or one year once having completed a previous degree are eligible for this $3 000 scholarship.
Thelma Sewell Memorial Scholarship
Scholarship for persons who have been admitted in a Home Economics / Family Studies program at a Canadian university.
Helen Crocker Memorial Scholarship
Scholarship for member in good standing of New Brunswick Home Economics Association who is continuing his or her studies.
Professional Development Grant Application Form
The professional activity must be either of a general professional nature or related in a significant manner to Home Economics.