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International Federation of Home Economics Conference
Six hundred (600) participants from 36 countries attended the Conference.

Sujets / Topics

1) Artificial intelligence (AI)

2) Breakfast (Why have breakfast? Habitual breakfast consumption ⁄ Academic performance)

3) Climate change

4) Downsizing homes

5) Earth & space

6) Economics

7) Environment ⁄ Energy

8) Home Economics, a century of departmental names ⁄ Celebrating the contribution of women for their medical research.

9) Housing


11) Mental health ⁄ Assisted suicide

12) Nutrition for the young brain

13) Shared leadership

14) Skills ⁄Trades

15) Sustainability

16) Technology

17) The sugar wars

Remark: Of all the topics, the one that stayed with me is: The importance of good nutrition for the young brains. If a child does not eat the proper food at a young age, their will be lost development.



Jacqueline Bouchard U de M
October 19th, 2024


Welcome and introductions
After the meeting was called to order, the participants were asked to introduce themselves, where they took their Home Economics training and tell of their present work experience or prior to their retirement. It gave an overview of the diversity of Home Economics Professional practice especially important for our student members and the latest graduates.

Educational Session
After the Annual General Meeting presided by the president, Aline Landry, the educational session consisted of a presentation by the participants at the International Federation of Home Economics Congress in Ireland last June. Riba Riordon, Ariane Allain, Joannie Levesque, Geneviève Roy and Émilie Cormier provided an interesting, educational presentations of their experience at the Congress.


NBHEA-ANBEF president, Aline Landry, presented a congratulation card to Jeanne Godin who has recently been named ‘Directrice de l’École des sciences des aliments, de nutrition et d’études familiales at Université de Moncton’ for the next three years.

After the conference, many participants had lunch at Ramono’s Restaurant.

Thanks to the organizers for a successful event.

Jocelyne Savoie, Corresponding Secretary




Educational Session

Presented by the members who assisted at the International Federation of Home Economics Congress in Ireland in June 2024

Download the document to view the presentation 



2023 Scholarships

Scholarship Committee members Martine McIntyre (chair), Riba Riordon and Jocelyne Savoie evaluated the applications in December 2023. Four student members enrolled in the B.A.-B.Ed. (majeure études familiales) at UM were awarded the NBHEA-ANBEF Scholarship worth $1 500. They are Ariane Allain and Matthieu Young, 4th year students and 5th year students Geneviève Roy and Joannie Levesque.


Starting from the left: Matthieu Young, 4th year student; Joanie Levesque, 5th year; Geneviève Roy, 5th year and Ariane Allain, 4th year student (enrolled in the five-year program leading to a B.A.-B.Ed. (Majeure Études familiales) at UM.







Past events


NBHEA Annual meeting, 2022


  • When? Saturday May 14th, 10 AM
  • What? Annual meeting
  • Where? Hilton Garden Inn, 40 Highfield Street, Moncton, N.B.



Jocelyne Savoie P.H.Ec. and Aline Landry P.H.Ec. were at the francophone teacher’s association conference in Edmundston August 27th & 28th.
At the booth they were able to give information on the programs with a major in Family Studies presently offered at University de Moncton.  Some 55 teachers were given this information.





Thirty Professional Home Economists met for their annual conference and annual general meeting held on the University of Moncton campus Saturday May 4, 2019.

Four speakers gave a picture of the type of work they are doing and spoke on how their home economics training is helping them daily: Kim LeBlanc, teacher at Polyvalente Louis-J-Robichaud in Shediac, shared her teaching experiences whether it is for the compulsory grade 9 and 10 courses in ‘Formation personnelle et sociale’ (Personal & social Development) or the optional courses: clothing & textiles, family relations, etc.  Tamara Richard, a teacher at Leo Hayes High School in Fredericton, presented an overview of the compulsory high school courses offered in the anglophone schools plus her experience teaching Culinary Arts to five classes this year proving it is a very popular course at her school.

Caroline Thibodeau explained the services offered by the employees at the NB Family and Early Childhool Agencies.  Marie-Pier Bérubé, youth counselor at Centre Pierre Caissie in Moncton, explained the different services offered at this Center.  It was a very informative conference allowing the participants to attend to the business of the Association, as well as time to socialize. A special thank you to the Organizing Committee for a very successful day.



This past June, the New-Brunswick Home Economist Association celebrated their 100th anniversary. To check out the pictures from that amazing conference, click on the link below:


The organizing committee at the NBHEA 100th anniversary

from left to right:
lower row: Annie Lavoie, Aline Landry, Riba Riordon, Sheila McCarthy, Colette Landry Martin, Jocelyne Savoie, Margaret McCormack, Stéphanie Arsenault et Yvette Leblanc

upper row: Martine McIntyre, Bernice McGraw Leblanc, Thérèse Gallant, Marion MacEachern, Anita Landry, Ginette Leblanc, Julie Caissie et Jeanne Godin

On May 26th, 2018, at the Université de Moncton, 4 students received their B.A, Congratulation!!
They are from left to right(Top picture): Nathalie Poirier, Émilie Thompson, Marie-Christine Brideau and Martine McIntyre.
